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BLACK DIAMOND NATIONWIDE (BDN) believes SAFETY Policies and Practices MUST start at the TOP

At BLACK DIAMOND NATIONWIDE, (BDN) safety on the job site starts in the Executive Offices and Corporate Headquarters. To have a real impact on workers, safety has to become a core value of the organization. BDN’s Top Level Executives and Managers continually instill the fact that SAFETY is a core value of the Company and it is the responsibility of every employee to understand the importance Safety plays within BDN and to focus on the SAFETY FIRST Policies and Procedures of BDN every hour of every day. Our senior executives and operational managers lead by example by taking an active and visible role in the implementation and execution of the SAFETY FIRST culture.

At Black Diamond Nationwide, Safety is a major priority and will always come FIRST. BDN has adopted a proven methodology and approach to safety which involves the following 12 areas:

These critical areas of safety include:

1. The Prequalification of Subcontractors for Safety. BDN routinely pre-qualifies subcontractors for experience, qualification and financial strength, but safety history and performance is criteria of even higher importance.

2. Employee Safety Training. Safety isn’t simply common sense. Workers need to be trained to properly use a variety of safety equipment, such as fall arrest systems. Of equal importance is a clear understanding of current OSHA regulations.

3. Substance Abuse Awareness and Testing.  Because our business often involves complex equipment and significant heights, BDN maintains a high level of awareness in regards to worker substance abuse. Pre-Employment and random screening identifies workers with substance abuse problems before they endanger others and enable the company to steer them into treatment programs. Individual workers have a role to play in ensuring their own safety and that of their co-workers.

4. Evaluate Each Project Phase for Safety. Planning for safety is a continual process. As a project progresses, a job safety task analysis is performed to make sure that the appropriate work and safety equipment is on hand so that workers are not tempted to make do with what may be inadequate equipment or take chances that will endanger their safety.

5. Make Safety an Everyday Topic of Discussion: Daily tailgate and weekly toolbox safety meetings are used to remind workers about safety procedures and to address concerns. However, safety is an everyday topic. When foremen gather workers at the beginning of a shift to talk about the day’s work, they review the hazards involved and the safety controls, and make sure that workers have the correct protective gear and that all safety concerns are addressed.

6. Plan Safety into Every Project: Because every project is built on paper first, safety begins with pre-planning. The means and methods that will be used to build the project should be identified, along with the exposures they will entail. All exposures should be identified and addressed in preplanning, from excavation to foundation, and superstructure to fit out.

7. Focus on Fall Management: Simply following OSHA guidelines and local regulations isn’t enough. Different trades have different standards, but they all face the same problem. Industry studies prove that a fall from a relatively modest height can result in a serious injury. BDN places an aggressive focus on fall management.

8. Review Accidents and Near Misses: BDN starts with the mindset that accidents are not inevitable. In the event that there is an accident, the facts and circumstances are reviewed to identify root causes so that corrective action can be taken and future incidents can be prevented. The same attention is paid to near misses that had the potential to become serious accidents.

9. Cooperation with Insurer and Risk Management Experts:  BDN takes a collaborative approach to safety with risk management experts, as well as our insurers at every step of the project. BDN views and relates to our insurers as a resource with substantive expertise in risk management, engineering protocols and procedures to help make their own safety efforts even more robust.

10. Maintain A Goal of Zero Injuries: When a construction company succeeds in building a strong culture of safety, it becomes a core value for every employee. BDN’s ultimate goal is and should always be zero injuries.

11. Safety Managers Are Part of Every Project: Being a company that takes a proactive and serious approach to project safety, BDN staffs all projects with on-site safety qualified managers. While it adds costs upfront, an on-site safety manager can affect the avoidance of possible injuries as well as potentially save hundreds of thousands of dollars in claims. The safety manager should be viewed as a resource to help continually review and enhance the efforts made by everyone on site. Every person on a project site is responsible for safety.


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